Formamos comunicadores sociales competentes, emprendedores, creativos, humanistas, éticos y científicos; para contribuir al desarrollo macro regional y nacional con responsabilidad social.
Ser una carrera profesional acreditada, líder en la formación de estrategias en comunicación contribuyendo al desarrollo social de la macro región y el país; éticos, creativos e innovadores con una sólida base investigativa.
The Budget Office, a part of the Financial Services Department, is responsible for preparing and monitoring the City of Frisco’s Annual Budget. Find quick access to city budgets and budget meeting presentations.
Learn more about applying for a building permit for your next project, as well as finding information for contractors.
Safety Town Presented By Texas Health Hospital Frisco, a unique, miniature town located next to Central Fire Station, is dedicated to providing hands-on learning opportunities for children in the community.
Register an account, find details involving your utility statement and make payments online.
Learn more about parks and trails, athletic and fitness programs, park facility rentals and other recreational opportunities in Frisco.
Find resources related to your trash and recycling needs and learn ways to keep Frisco environmentally friendly through community programs.
Animal Services accomplishes the goals of protecting public safety and ensuring animal welfare through compassionate, responsive, professional enforcement of the laws and public policy.
Av. Mariscal Castilla 3909 – 4090
Pabellón A, 2do. piso, Ciudad Universitaria
El Tambo, Huancayo